Then at two (she was holding on to that baby for dear life, so her BFF wouldn't take it from her)
Wow, three (we get the best pictures when she is tired!)
Four, and she seemed so grown-up, but she was a big sister by this point
*gasp* Then she was FIVE, the very anticipated, FIVE. Wasn't she a cute kitty?
Then, as hard as it is to believe, my baby is now SIX. I was wrong about her getting cuter, she definitely has, especially now that she is losing teeth!
Now she's in Kindergarten, at the big school. She also has opinions on her favorite music, clothes, hair... Well stronger opinions anyway (she's not 16, but can act like it), her voice has gotten a lot louder in the last year or so.
She also has friends, my little socialite, and apparently can throw a mean birthday party.
Happy 6th Birthday Kiley Jeanette, you little nut.
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