I've cheated a little this year. I couldn't wait until after the first frost to dig up our potatoes, I've been too curious to see how those suckers are growing down under. I first dug up a few that I just threw in the ground, under my bedroom window.... but when that was disappointing (just one tiny potato per plant) I had to go and see what was in the garden.
Graelin was visiting and he told me, "No I've never picked 'ponanoes' before", so of course Kiley, Grae and Kalin had to help dig up the 'ponanoes' in the garden. The pictures say it all! The last plant the kids dug up held the biggest potato we've ever grown! I was so impressed I had to show my neighbor, and since then I've shown just about everyone who I thought would be even remotely interested in my potato growing skills.
We also had to pick some carrots, and although they aren't in any way big I am impressed. We've never even been able to grow any carrots that were big enough to eat, and these were just the right munching size. Yummy!
Yes, you may call me Farmer Clouse.
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