Sunday, September 12, 2010

Morning Glories, Pansies... and more!

That gorgeous flower is a Morning Glory, and I grew it from a little tiny seed. Note to self- try to sow these a little earlier in 2011 (Maybe in February?). It is really hard to wait these beautiful blooms until September!

This little beauty is a Pansy, and I grew it from a teeny tiny seed (have you ever seen a pansy seed? They are seriously minuscule, daunting even...). I was smart this year and sowed all my seeds directly into the pot I was going to put on my deck this summer. My Dad told me that Pansies are "very hard to grow", so I took that as a personal challenge.
These beauties are from my mom. She gave me a "roll" of seeds that I basically laid out in the back of our house, watered and watched grow. Another note to self; get these suckers out and watered early (MAY)! Waiting until September for them to bloom is too long to wait! Since this picture has been taken there are some beautiful blue and pink flowers that have bloomed. I'll have to see if I can snap a few pictures when the sun is shining on them. They sure are pretty.

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