Saturday, February 05, 2011


It has been dumping snow on us like you would NOT believe. I hardly believe it. It seems like we haven't seen this much snow for a long, long time. One of my friends in New Stuyahok used to tell me when it would snow this much, "Good, lots of snow means lots of berries this summer!" If that is the case we are going to have a record number of berries this year!

No where in the forecast were we warned that we were going to be getting this much snow.... I think somewhere around 12-14 inches in one night. Jon stuck a tape measurer on our deck to see how much had fallen.

Usually when we get this much snow it warms up to the high twenties or thirties, but it has stayed cold. Our temperatures have been fluctuating between 10 and 15 degrees, which is perfect. Just the way we like it. Now I just need a trail and I am off to go skiing!

Our little bird feeder can't handle much more snow!

Sis is actually sitting down, but the snow easily comes up to her mid chest.

The trees are gorgeous with their frosting of snow

The trail to the woods....

This much snow fell in one night! Poor little Tracker....

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