Thursday, February 03, 2011

Heading to the Bus

I adjusted my schedule to do some different things at work this week, so I am working mid-day. This means Kiley and Blake have to catch the bus in the morning, which is a little bit of a hike from our house. So we all geared up, gathered our flashlights and walked down to the Bus Stop.

Geared up? Every morning the girls wear their snow pants, boots, warm coat, hats and gloves just to leave the house. When it is in the 20's outside, or colder I caution on the safe side and dress for the weather. I just know the one day I decide they don't need all their gear on their bus will break down or the truck will.... just the mom in me I guess.

It was a gorgeous morning, hovering around 20 degrees with some fresh snow.

Did I say Kalin walked to the Bus Stop? HA! She took about 5 steps and then into the sled she went.
We have so much snow it is almost covering up the little house they built for the kids to wait in!

It feels good to get out and stretch our legs, get a little color into our faces first thing in the morning!

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