Sunday, February 06, 2011

Guess who was Student of the Week!?

I never wanted to be one of those parents. I said I never would be. As a teacher, of course before I had my own perfect children, I vowed to never, never do it. I would never be the parent to question why my child hasn't been chosen as Student of the Week. But I did. *Sigh* I think Jon and I were more excited for Kiley to get chosen than she was, we couldn't wait! And she wasn't even sure what it was... or what it meant.

But I have to question no more. My baby was Student of the Week on Friday! She got to stand in front of the elementary school and get a certificate. She really didn't get the whole process, but she thought it was pretty cool to stand up there and get a pencil.

I was as proud of Kiley as if it was me standing up there getting that certificate, I even got a little teary eyed. Her teacher said she was enthusiastic, positive and a big help with the other students in her class. Words that make her parents hearts sing.

1 comment:

The Kellys said...

AWWWWW! That's awesome! And yes, mommy.... it's quite alright to be so excited about it! lol