Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring in Dillingham

We saw our first seagulls this weekend on a little walk we took to the beach. Besides the obvious snow melting, birds coming back is our first indication that spring is here- or more appropriately, "break-up."  "Break up" = the time of year in Alaska when the ice & snow start to melt and break and finally disappear.  We go from white to brown and eventually to green.

The icebergs are still large and in charge, and I am ready for them to melt away.  Cam and Kiley had fun exploring for a little while.  Our walk started  through some pretty deep snow.... which was pretty hard on the 4 year old.  Snow over and in the boots make for some very cold feet, and a lot of snot & tears.

This is the time of year we can wake up to beautiful blue skies and 20 degrees - have the day warm up to 45 and then a snowstorm will hit that night. Very unpredictable.  We try to focus on the sunny days, and really enjoy every second.

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