Thursday, March 22, 2012


Jon and I surprised each other this year at Christmas with some new Smart phones- the new iPhone 4S. I finally know what all the hoopla is about this phone- it is really amazing with all it can do, and you can even call & talk to people on it! The kids think our phones are pretty cool too and I've made the mistake of letting them play games on it-- so now it is hard to get the point across that my phone IS.NOT.A.TOY!

The camera on the iPhone is top notch and takes amazing pictures and videos. It is so handy to just whip out, and snap a picture or take a little movie. It is always with me- well most of the time anyway- which makes easy access.

My sweet, darling, little three year old also loves the iPhone and suckers me into letting her "take pictures." Mostly she will ask to take pictures of Kolbi and Coleman.... because she knows I can't say no. I recently found about 35-40 pictures like the ones above and below on my iPhone. She's three, I would like to remind you. She can text, take pictures, find the games she likes and oh, of course call people...... Three year olds these days! So techie!



Erin said...

That is SO funny! Such a little photographer. :) Chase does the same thing in the Photo Booth program on my computer. I will go in there periodically and find the funniest pictures with wild backgrounds and video clips of him being a total goofball. I agree techies at such a young age, it is wild!

Erin said...

P.S. One of these days I will own the iPhone! :)