Sunday, December 04, 2011

Frosty Walk....

We have had the weirdest weather here in SW Alaska.... well I guess its only been atypical for the last week or so. Dillingham got a ton of snow and then some seriously cold temperatures fast this year. Over Thanksgiving break we had temps down to -20, this week we have had temps in the mid + 30's, and RAIN! That is weird, and I don't like it very much. Both extremes make it hard to get out and about... especially for this pregnant Mama. My winter clothes are getting awfully tight and the rain gear has been packed away, for a while now.

So anyway, even though it was freezing cold outside we got out to take a walk. It was hovering around -15, but we managed to dress in enough layers to stay warm for a little while. Jon's 'stache got a little frosty as did Sis's hair.

Kami and Oscar had a blast running around.... the cold doesn't seem to bother them much when they are with us! Jon rigged up the sled to Oscar's collar and he pulled the girls for a bit, as long as Jon was running with him. Winter fun... that's what we are about!

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