Friday, December 17, 2010

La la la la.... Caroling in December

Last weekend we went caroling with all the Girl Scouts in Dillingham. It was about 12 degrees and WINDY-- so chances are the temp was about 0 to -5 temps. Brrrr.

We dressed for the temperature, meaning lots of layers and warm clothes. I've decided we aren't going to let the elements dictate what we do and don't do outside, unless of course the elements are really, really dangerous (like icing fog, blizzards with gusting wind up to 60 mph... etc)

We walked to all of our local stores and then our last stop was "Grandma's House" which is our local assisted living home. The girls did such a wonderful job, and many of the elders enjoyed having them and hearing their voices.

Both of my girls enjoyed the experience- and it was wonderful to get out and soak up some sun (hah) and get a little red into our cheeks.

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