Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Halloween 2010!

A witch, a teddy bear topped off with Ketchup & Mustard. Does it get any happier than that? Maybe with Blake thrown in there as a hot dog, but he wasn't going for it. Maybe we can change his mind next year.

It's hard to imagine a time when our children aren't going to be excited about Halloween. Does this ever happen? Kiley was so excited she could barely contain herself, and this is the first year that Sis actually understands what Halloween is. I could see her putting it all together in that tiny brain; "I dress up, say trick or treat and someone gives me candy? Heck YEAH!"

I am wondering how long it is going to take until they crash from the sugar high(s)... and how am I ever going to manage their sugar intake tomorrow? Should I even try? A plight parents all across America are pondering right now....

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