Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Washington Trip

Kiley and I went to Washington for my Mom's surgery in August. We had surpisingly beautiful weather the entire time we were there! Kiley got to wear her summer clothes one more time before coming home to the rain and bugs. It was a semi-stressful trip, and very quick! We flew to Washington with my Aunt Bossy, and I am so glad because we couldn't have done it without her! Kiley is not the best traveler, as anyone who has ever been with her on an airplane knows. We had a great trip- but our days were long with going to the hospital and squeezing trips for shopping and shopping in between. My sister Jeanette, Bossy, Kiley and myself got to go to Lori and Jeff's cabin for the night and part of the next day. The weather was gorgeous and we got to pick black berries until we burst! We left Washington knowing my Mom was on her way to a full recovery. We were so thankful, and now she will be up here in just a few days.

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