Monday, September 25, 2006

Kiley's Second Birthday!

September 22nd- our little girl turned two! It is hard to believe that Kiley Jeanette is already TWO! I had an extra day on my work calendar so I took the day off and spent it with her and my parents. We had a great day playing and just having fun. She took a two and a half hour nap and that made our evening! We had a nice family dinner and then had more family come over for cake and ice cream. I made sure to have a Hello Kitty tablecloth, cake decorations, and other accessories. She loved it. Kiley still doesn't understand the whole birthday business, but she enjoyed her day. My aunt Bossy, who she calls "Umma", came over with a cupcake and candles for her to "practice", boy did she eat that up! I think she enjoyed blowing out the candles more than she liked eating the cupcake! Her cousins "helped" her open presents and oohed and aahed over each one. She got some great Hello Kitty clothing and even a bed! I didn't know that there was so much HK paraphenilia out there, she even got some tattoos of HK! My Mom made her a beautiful Hello Kitty blanket that she shared once or twice but claimed with a "MINE!" if we kept it too long. Kiley also started saying a new word, "pack-pack" for the HK back pack she got. =) Enjoy the pictures of our birthday girl.

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