Thursday, September 19, 2013

GB & Papa Paul

She was forced on this boat ride, but I got a smile out of her anyway.
Every year GB makes a trip up to Alaska to help us manage our chaotic lives.  This year we knew it was going to be worse than usual so both GB and Papa Paul came up to help.  Papa Paul stayed for 10 days and then went home, but GB stayed longer.

Papa Paul tried on this sweet jacket we had at our house, and it fit!

 I honestly don't know how we would make it through the start of school without her. Jon works pretty much 7 days a week from 7 am until...... who knows.  I started a new position with new everything, so I began the year over my head, and was also working 7 days a week. It only got better from there.

Once the school year officially started.... honestly its a blur.  But again, I am so thankful she was here. I can't even begin to explain how helpful it was to my psychie to know that someone who loved my children was taking care of them, my house was kept in tip top shape, the never ending laundry was done on a daily basis and there was always a delicious meal to come home to every night.

Thank you GB. 

Can you come back soon? We sure miss you in this neck of the woods.

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