Monday, October 15, 2012

Getting so big!

Baby K is already 8 months and 3 weeks old! She has two teeth on the bottom (two more coming out on the top!) and is crawling & pulling herself up onto everything. She just made her second trip into the big city (Anchorage) with just her mom and she did pretty well. Auntie Jeanette took care of her for two days and kept her very busy.  Nights were the biggest reality check for Auntie.... as anyone with a teething baby can attest to; waking up 5 times to a piercing scream is no fun for anyone!

Our first K is 8 and getting so mature for her age, she is really a big help around the house (some days more than others.)  She is playing soccer and still reading everything she can get her hands on, right now Garfield and Clementine are two characters she likes very much.  I am asked on a daily basis when her Kindle is going to get here already!

Second K is enjoying preschool so very much~ she comes home every day singing such awesome songs! Willoughby Wallaby Woo is my recent favorite.... She seems to be on the verge of reading because she is learning sight words and sounds at an amazing rate.  She also loves her books and Mo Willems is still a very popular author at our house- I can read about Piggie and Elephant every night.

We are still so busy every day- Jon and I are going strong every day of the week.  I think we both want to punch anyone who says they are bored.... what? Come to our house if that is the case!

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