Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Three Months Old!

Kolbi Paige is now three months old. I'm guessing she is at least 12.5 lbs and 24 inches long.  She has a killer smile that just about melts you when she does it....she really is an adorable baby.

We hear these things from people when they see her, "Oh she looks like Kiley!" or "Oh she looks just like Kalin!" or "Wow, she is such a combination of her sisters!"  Most frequently people comment on how long she is.... and I tell them she is a Clouse after all.

Kolbi just discovered her tongue, she likes to suck on it.  Her sisters like to tell me that she sticks it out at them.... but I can't blame her, it's really her only weapon against them besides her voice.

Our baby girl is on her way to rolling over, she can get over to her side and can kind of rock back and forth.  I'll giver her a few more weeks to reach that milestone, it will happen soon I am guessing.  She's started to reach for things and has quite a good grasp for a 3 month old.  I'm happy she hasn't discovered my hair yet.

We are gearing up for a busy weekend.  New Stuyahok and then Anchorage! Traveling with a 3 month old is always interesting, wish us luck.

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