Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Prom 2011

Somehow Jon talked Blake into going to Prom this year (no Dumb and Dumber costumes, remember what it took for M. to go to Prom?). He waffled back and forth, back and forth and finally decided that he would go.
A few hours before the dance he told Jon he would need some "lessons" in slow dancing. This cracked me up. Jon tried to show him without me- can you picture it? Yeah, I died too. So when I got home Jon cranked up Alisha Keys' "No One" and we busted our moves. I warned him that his date might try to get a little frisky (aka stealing a kiss or two), I even modeled.... Jon didn't seem to mind. I offered to show Blaker how to dance, he turned about 10 shades of red and passed.

I think overall he had a great time and going to Prom at least once is an experience every high school student should have. The Tracker has made it to Prom three times, actually made it home to our house only twice. We were happy we didn't have to find it in a pit at Aleknagik the morning after Prom.

But to end on a bright note....I think Blake made the right decision to go to Prom. He cleans up pretty good.

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