Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Planting... finally!

We still can't get into the green house, and there is still tons of snow. BUT we did thaw out our potting soil and we found some pots and other planting paraphernalia in the garage.

Kiley even got in on the action- she planted marigolds. They still haven't come up, so we might have to start again. Marigolds are usually the first to come up aren't they?
Sis took this picture. Thats me planting my gladiolas- man they were already sprouting!

See? Not the best picture, but you can see those sprouts.

We planted marigolds, gladiolas, broccoli, lettuce, some petunias, lupine and an herb garden. We stick them in front of our deck doors.

This is what has sprouted so far:

Broccoli (we have high hopes this year-- we discovered it needs a ton of light!)
and some Marigolds, or I think they are anyway. We'll see.

We also have some Dill and Basil growing in our herb garden! So far our planting season is off to a so-so start but we are still very hopeful for some amazing results this year in our garden!

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