Saturday, July 22, 2017

Cabin Progress

We started working on the cabin in July 2017.

It was exciting and fun, at first.

Then the real work began.

First we had to square and map out the cabin.  Took us three days but we did it. Next Jon had to dig (I did not dig a single hole) 10 holes four our foundation. That took about two days.  After the holes were dug we had to fill them each with about 20 buckets of gravel (each weighing about 70 pounds each).  This was done by going to a gravel bar about 10 minutes away and filling up the 20 buckets and bringing them back. It was back breaking, grueling work.  G r u e l i n g I tell you.

Luckily my mom and aunt came for a day to help us and my aunt said we could use her four-wheeler to load those heavy buckets to the top of the hill. A total life saver.

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