Monday, June 30, 2014

Present Day Fun

I'm still trying to catch up on posts, but in the meantime we are enjoying every day in our neck of the woods. I was worried with such a beautiful spring that our summer would be, for a better word, blah. Luckily that hasn't been the case, and the sun has been shining.

Our little town has been hopping with people, think double our population, people.  Workers from our cannery, Sport Fisherman, Commercial Fisherman, family visiting from far away.... you name it, they are here. This town has been busy, crowded and slightly over populated.  Thank goodness for our first Red Salmon opener, people were finally able to do what they were brought here to do- process salmon!

The 70 degree day, gorgeous sunshine and slight breeze was calling us to Aleknagik Lake, and away from all the people.  We couldn't resist, so off we went, our first trip of the summer!  

Cheetos, boats, water, sunshine, friends.... made for a perfect day at the Lake!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Snake Lake Hike

We went on a fun hike to Snake Lake Mountain with the girls and one of Kiley's friends.  Usually, at this time of year, we don't have access, there is too much snow.  But we were able to drive most of the way and then hike the last mile or so.

We hit a little road block with a fallen tree, but that didn't stop us.  Kolbi was a little reluctant to walk so we all chipped in to carry her.  She even got a shoulder ride from Kiley.

Jon took the brunt of our two year old on his back, pretty much the whole way up Snake Lake Mountain. She had to rest at the top from so much carrying.  It's quite trying for her.

We'd hike a little, and then take a break.  Have a snack, some water and then hike some more. Or maybe that was just me.

Jon and I even enjoyed some alone time, meaning we were able to take two minutes to take a selfie. We're still so cute....

Another fantastic day, man we are lucky to live here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Spring in Dillingham, 2014

It was an amazing spring this year in Dillingham.  When I say "amazing" I am not exaggerating-  our high temperature for the YEAR was May 16, a whopping 76.1 degrees! 

That is  unheard of!  No snow, no bugs.... a ton of sunshine and hot weather.  A little slice of heaven.  We did not mind the touch of Global Warming we got in these parts, it was actually a little refreshing.

These crazy kids of ours, and their crazy neighbor friends got "hot."  They wanted to go "swimming"- we don't have a pool people.  Not a lake, not a pond, no actual body of water unless you consider the creek behind our house.  What we do have (or had) was a massive puddle from the snow that had melted in our yard.

The kids floated that dinghy all over, playing "Titanic" and jumping off it.

This one got a little carried away, and was actually swimming.  I thought she had asked her parents to get this wet, I was wrong.

Lucky for them we have this rockin' fire pit and they got dried off and warm again.  It was about 8:00 at night and still in the 70's. Heaven I tell you!

Monday, June 23, 2014

A Spring Walk on the Beach

This spring we went to the beach for a walk.  As you can tell, this isn't your typical day at the beach. Nothing like our beautiful day to the beach this summer with my Uncle Craig, Aunt Monica and Chris... but I will write about that later.

  Kanakanak Beach was still covered with snow and ice, and the Nushagak River hadn't "gone out" yet. Meaning the river was still frozen, but about to break up.

Kolbi enjoyed walking in the water, Kiley and Kalin loved the mud!

They loved climbing up onto these massive icebergs, which scared me just a little.  The older girls are fearless.

We even found a waterfall. By then the youngest member of our tribe had fallen into the water and needed a warmer jacket.  Wet is easier to deal with then Kanakanakak beach mud!

We ended the day with another sister picture, which they complain about incessantly.  I'm not sure why, because they do love to see their pictures together.  Well, they will, someday.  Anyway. This was a very fun day at the beach, even if there was little sun, icebergs and mud.  These Alaskan chicks loved it, and so did their parents.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Piano Recital.....

The hiatus is over, life got in the way of blogging. Now that summer is here I will try to do better with this online journal... in the meantime I will back track and try to catch everyone up with the Clouse happenings.

Both Kiley and Kalin had a spring piano recital in May, which went really well, and was their second recital of the year. I think I am always more nervous then both of them, if they are even nervous at all! With one year of piano under their belts I am really proud of how much they have learned and progressed.  Kiley is a little more reluctant with practice, but she loves the recital.  Kalin loves practice (most of the time) and does beautifully when it comes to the recital.

Here is Kalin playing "The Can Can and "The Spanish Guitar."

Kiley played "Night Music" and "Beethoven's 5th."