Saturday, October 26, 2013


We had another great harvest from our garden this year, and with a summer like we had I would have been very surprised if we didn't!  We grew mostly those plants that have produced for us in the past, but Jon did break out and plan kohlrabi this year.  We were pleasantly surprised at how well it grew and how good it tasted. 
We gad an amazing amount of lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, snap peas and cabbage. I was disappointed in the size of our carrots, but the ones we got were delicious even though they were fairly small.

I am proud to report that I was even able to produce multiple tomatoes from my green house this year! If you look close you can even see the jalapenos I grew. These beauties made some very delicious salsa!

I was going to put in a post about our potato harvest too... but that deserves its very own post. We were very happy with the amount we got this year!

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