Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Preschool!

Kalin was so ready for summer preschool this year, unlike last year where she wouldn't let me out of her sight!  Preschool was about 3 hours a day, 4 days a week this year at the elementary school.  The classes were the biggest ever- ranging around 25 three, four & five year olds for each class!

Our summer schedule has been pretty hectic with very late evenings in the land of the midnight sun (we have had gorgeous weather!!) and not so early mornings (waking up at 9:00, what?!!).  So, needless to say,  Kalin was late to preschool a few times. Although she got very creative at making excuses as to why she couldn't go to Preschool (like her knees were hurting, school was cancelled, etc.) she really did love every minute.

She was so proud every day when she brought home the craft she made in preschool, our favorites being the caterpillar.  Father's Day fell during this time and so Kalin got to make her Dad a present.  She was so excited to give it to him that she couldn't wait another day... even though she made a big show of hiding it and telling him, 'DON'T LOOK DAD!" haha, he got it that afternoon.

The last day was a very fun day with a family potluck and a special Yupik dance by the preschoolers.  More of that to come.

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