Sunday, November 06, 2011

Checking out the local Waterfall.....

I thought since in seemed like winter was officially here (aka days below freezing and lots of snow showers) we should go and check out the "waterfall" with the girls.

I say "waterfall" hesitantly because not everyone agrees with the term to describe the water that flows in the creek behind our house. Potatoes patatas..... The girls call it a waterfall and we are going with that. We love the little walk, it puts color in our cheeks, fresh air in our lungs and a spring in our step.
The tundra wasn't as frozen as I thought it was going to be, which meant lots of crunching through the snow for this pregnant mama. Unfortunately the waterfall isn't close to being a waterfall, we need a few more weeks of cold weather for that to happen.

We got out, and we had fun. You can't ask for much more than that!

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