Thursday, November 25, 2010

Feeding the Chickens

In honor of Thanksgiving, I shall blog about one of our favorite past times of late- feeding the chickens. I'm not sure why I am thinking it is in "honor" of Thanksgiving, but it has something to do with the fact that we eat a bird on turkey day and chickens are in fact, a bird.

Sis loves chickens, just like her Momma. So on a regular basis she asks to "go feed the chickens." Luckily one of my friends' daughters has chickens... so we save our food scraps and once the bucket is full off we go. They are enclosed in a fence and housed in a really nice coop.

These chickens are very well taken care of-- their owner, Alethia, is quite the chicken keeper. Her parents call her the "Chicken Whisperer." She's got a knack, a special way with them. Sis got her to pick them up a few times, so she could "pet" the chickens.
I know Bonnie will just get a kick out of watching her, and most likely the chickens strutting around in the snow.

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