Sunday, August 22, 2010

GB's Visit

Jon's mom, aka "GB" (short for GrandBonnie) came for a visit August 1st and was supposed to leave August 20th.... but we talked her into staying another week. August seems to be one of the busiest months for us. We both head back to work and have a very busy two weeks of inservice and all the "extra" duties that inservice entails. Lots of looonnnggg days and weekend work. Having GB here helping us with the two kiddos and all the ins and outs of managing our household has been nothing short of marvelous.

Having Bonnie here has been absolutely wonderful, and very, very helpful for us during this busy month.

Everyone knows that GB loves a good project, multiple projects. She told Jon she would come to Alaska only if he promised that he would have enough logs cut for her to split wood for an hour a day. She wasn't kidding.
So far she has split about 6 chords of wood. She has filled our wood shed to its maximum capacity, and its never been to maximum capacity.
On top of spllitting wood every night GB cooks, cleans and also does laundry. No you can not have her come to your house. Yes Ben she has made us potato burritos and tortilla soup, ha ha! Both were amazingly delicious and we ate every morsel/drop.

Sorry Papa Paul, we are keeping her indefinitely. Our visit can not have gone better....

1 comment:

Erin said...

Wow Bonnie! We would LOVE to have you come and visit us! We have plenty of wood that needs splitting and would love, love, love some of your home cookin'!