Monday, July 19, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Radish Bunch- picked and given to Uncle Joe

Bulb Onions

Despite the colder weather this summer our garden seems to be thriving! We got home from vacation and immediately checked on the garden, I was pretty stoked with the results. Just about everything we planted is growing in some capacity- potatoes, radishes, carrots, onions, lettuce and broccoli. I think our strawberries are done for the season, but at least we got a few berries out of them before we left.

The onions from seed look a little bleh, and the carrots don't look like they are going to really grow to any edible size. But we have 63 potato plants (red and Yukon gold) growing and with potatoes selling here in Dillingham for $9 for a 5 lb bag that is a lot of potatoes!

These beds that have carrots, potatoes and radishes in them. I can't tell much of a difference in growth yet compared to these plants and those in the garden, except in the carrot size. The carrots in our main garden didn't even grow! We'll compare the amount of potatoes when it is time to dig them up.
One of our biggest potato plants

With all of this green stuff growing in our garden, we sure do feel like farmers, or I do anyway. I feel pretty productive.... Jon finished our greenhouse the other day, and it is a little late in the season to really put a lot in there now, but watch out for next year!

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