Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Boston's Children's Museum

We decided to go to the Children's museum on a very rainy day. A very cold, wet, wet day. Our poor friend Brendan was going to meet us with his son but his house was flooding. Literally the basement was flooded and he had to stay up until 4:30 am pumping the water out. So when I say it was raining, I really mean it was raining. Like the most rain MA had seen in 50 years, 3 months combined of rain in three days.

One good decision was made and that was to take the Alewife train into Boston and then walk to the museum. I was happy we didn't have to hear people honking or yelling at us because we didn't know where to go.

So it was raining sideways, windy and cccold on our jaunt to the museum. But we toughed it out, we are Alaskans after all, and come to find out it was well worth our trouble.

This is what we saw when we first walked in, Kiley could have spent all day in it.

The water table was a huge hit

Look at her climb! She had to go back to the rock wall a few times.

Hello there Monkey George. One monkey to another.....

On the way out we decided to buy two umbrellas so we wouldn't get quite so soaked. It was a good idea. But the storm we were facing thought it was pretty funny. As soon as we opened those suckers up they literally collapsed, useless. It was all worth it. The girls must have played for about 4 hours pretty much non stop.

Next stop; Boston Aquarium

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