Thursday, January 14, 2010


Wow our baby is really starting to grow up. Really.

She talks, or at least tries to all the time. I will call home and right away I hear, "MOM, hi mom. MOM MOM, hi mom!" I'll answer and say, "Hi Sis, what are you doing?" and she answers, "Hi Mom".......ahh she tries.

Kalin is getting closer to 2 every day. Her favorite word is,"no", not," NO" but, "noooooo". Which is of course, much cuter. But it gets less and less cute every day when it is the only answer she gives to every question!

Sis likes to tattle, she uses words and waves her arms around a lot to let us know what she is talking about. She'll run into the bathroom, "Mom! Mom! Ditder..." (pointing to her sister) "Mom, Ditder....." Point, sad face, point, wave arms. I get the picture and try to solve the problem.

Kalin also likes to talk about the "kitty kitty" and the "dawgs". I think they might be two of her favorite subjects actually. She let's them know how much she loves them by petting (pounding) and of course screaming KITTY KITTY and DAWG whenever they are near.

Sis is also growing hair, enough for me to give her much deserved horns!

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