We started with a Head Start Graduation~ for Kiley of course. She doesn't get to go to Kindergarten next year because she misses the deadline by about a month, so it was a ceremony for her. It was quite the experience- we'll be prepared next year! Kiley got some nice presents and pictures from BBNA and her teachers, but I don't think it quite made up for the fact that she doesn't get to go to the "big school" next year. The returning kids wore the tie die shirts and the "off to Kindergarten" graduates got to wear the cute cap and gowns.
So last night was MATTHEW'S Graduation from HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!! Whoo hooo, what an event that was! It started off like any other Dillingham graduation I have ever been to, and then the fire alarm went off. I thought to myself, "Who is the jerk tat pulled the fire alarm? Geesh?" Then as we all ran outside I saw the smoke! Yes, smoke as in there really WAS a fire. Someone had put a box on the stove in the student store and started a fire in the process, I know who but I won't mention any names to save her from further emabarassement (no it wasn't me). Anyway Matthew had a great ceremony- he even had his own little bit in which he got to do a welcome speech. It was very nice.