Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kalin~ Laughing, Singing and Dancing!

Our baby is getting so big! This clip was taken over Christmas break, as you can tell by our Christmas tree in the background. We just marvel at the changes Kalin makes weekly- crawling, now cruising, pulling up onto everything and now walking with assistance. She babbles and we are all convinced she says "Mama" and "Papa" and knows who she is talking about (well I do anyway, of course she knows Mama!) Next Kalin will be walking, talking and then we will be off to potty training, pull ups, big girl panties..... and she will be four before I can blink.

Before we know it she is going to be a year old like her cousin Bella who turned the big O-N-E today! Happy Birthday again Miss Bella- we wish we were in Colorado to help you celebrate.

I look at Kiley and remember when she our baby, time really does fly by. I have to remember that sometimes when I am exhausted from our beautiful 9 month old who wakes up two or more times a night. I told Kiley this morning I feel old and she got mad at me! "MOM you are NOT old! You are YOUNG!" Ahhhh- she got a big hug and a kiss for that one. I might just let her watch a movie today..... :)

1 comment:

The Kellys said...

My boys got a kick out of the video. They heard the giggles and ran across the room to watch! Guess we will have to enjoy your girls from afar.... Baby #4 is another.... BOY! grr.