Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Shannon and Kiley with Santa

Our district had their annual Christmas party this past weekend. We made a point of not telling Kiley that Santa was going to be there. When she found out he was going to be handing out presents she told me very seriously, "Mom I'm not going to kiss him, or hug him either." Then with some more thought, "He has too much hair mom." She grabbed my hand and you would have thought it was the walk of death- but she went to go see Santa because he had a present for her. I actually got a quick, fleeting picture of the two of us on his lap. None with just Kiley and Santa, maybe next year. The party was wonderful- lots of laughs and great food. Ah to be able to each cheese cake without any guilt. Heavenly! :)

1 comment:

Rondee Kim said...

You both look adorable. Great picture of you Shannon. :)

Hope you have a Happy New Year!