Thursday, November 01, 2007

A Ballerina, Ariel, Frankenstein and a Witch!

Halloween was an interesting experience this year. Kiley and Jon got dressed up for the Kids Count Halloween Carnival the Saturday before Halloween. Kiley was at first Ariel from the Little Mermaid but thought her costume was "itchy" so we switched to a pretty Ballerina. What a change in our child this year from last. She had fun playing the different games that were available and even was willing to get her face painted!
Her Dad went all out with his costume and was Frankenstein. He really played the part and freaked out a couple of kids at the Carnival. He added about 5 inches to his already tall 6'6 frame by wearing some platform shoes. He was a sight!
Mom was a party pooper and was just tired and pregnant.

On Halloween night we got to go trick or treating with Camryn, which absolutely made the day for Kiley since she loves her cousin so! Kiley was Ariel and Camryn was a pretty witch from "Practical Magic". They both looked so cute!! We must have been out for at least three hours, and I think we hit at least 12 houses. I was pretty pooped out by the time we got home, and ended up crashing on the couch. Kiley could not be talked into going to one more house with Uncle Max or Camryn to get more candy so she was pretty tired herself.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Wow, that would be scary to see that tall Frankenstein guy!!