Monday, January 08, 2007

Christmas in Texas

The AK Clouses finally got to Texas- Jon, Shannon and Kiley anyway. Kami stayed home with Papa and Gram and helped babysit Auntie Jen's new puppy Harley. Tory flew to New Stuyahok to spend the holiday with his family (he's extended his stay a few days longer, we still haven't seen him in Dillingham!).

We enjoyed so many fun things- not everyone can say that a trip with their in-laws was a blast, but I can! Kiley enjoyed countless pony rides with her Auntie "Tep" and impressed her so much with her "natural ability" that she even got to ride the pony ALL BY HERSELF. Most mornings Kiley would grab my head and say, "Mommy, neeiighh (horse sound) ride, yes". She also enjoyed go cart rides, digging in the mud, the acquarium and just the ability to boss her four older boy cousins around to her heart's content!

I enjoyed some awesome shopping with my sister-in-law's, a trip to Dallas and to the acquarium. Even though I didn't get to participate in the "late night talks" due to the fact I was on Kiley duty, I enjoyed catching up with everyone and what is going on in their lives. Although I had fun in Dallas I know I am just not a city girl- the traffic and driving killed me! I know Jon enjoyed spending time with his siblings, nephews and parents.

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