Friday, December 04, 2015

Student of the Week!

We are back!
Kalin was selected as student of the week today for her class. We are so proud of her. Her teacher had so many kind things to say about her.
We are going to Subway to celebrate!!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Happy Summer 2015!

A much needed update, life is too busy these days.

Summer is in full swing here in Dillingham; family visits, fishing trips, processing salmon, camping, sleeping in the clubhouse, muddy days at the beach and lots of fun and laughter.

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Happy Easter!

From our little bunnies to yours.

The Easter Bunny hid our eggs in yard this year! The first time ever.... because we have no snow!  He didn't think it would be snowing, but he can't think of everything. The girls had a blast anyway.

It has been a busy morning, now we are getting ready for church. Have a wonderful day!